Squid ­ An example of a simple proxy­server configuration


Squid is a powerful proxy­server having a flexible configuration. While there are plenty of graphical user interfaces available for his proxy­server adjustment, this article addresses its simplest configuration by using the command line of Debian/Ubuntu operating systems, with the statistics displayed. As a result, you will have the proxy­server running and being capable of managing and granting access to a multitude of users while monitoring the proxy’s activity.

MySQL ­ Restoring the root password


A common problem with mysql databases is the loss of the root password for various reasons. This article will describe how to quickly recover a root password in mysql without losing data, using Debian/Ubuntu as an example.

A simple OpenVPN setup with fixed client addresses


This article illustrates the process of OpenVPN (Virtual Private Network) setup on both the server and client, and describes an approach to keep client addresses fixed in a virtual network under a public key security certificate. This technology makes for a quick and cheap setup of local virtual nets, by using the existing physical resources or the Internet.